

The Day

I'm kinda stress lately. Everything seems to need my attention. Here, there, tomorrow, today, you, him, me...bla..bla..bla..huh! I can't breathe like this. I'm tired of this life but I know I shouldn't. I'm just thinking why do people always ask me to do something that I don't like? Why do people asking me to think over something that don't even came across my mind and ended up with worthless argument? Everything is just why, why, why, and why?

How I wish I can live as I wish to. I don't need people telling me what to do without considering my needs. There's a saying, 'you can bring a horse to water but you can't make it drink'. The horse is me but you can't push me. Please. I really need you to understand me. If you don't, then who else will? Please, I'm begging you. Let me live my own life, in the way I wish to and in the way I feel free and peaceful too. PLEASE!

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